Red Circle Hypnosis


Learn Hypnosis

Red Circle  Hypnosis provides hypnosis training for future hypnotists and existing hypnotists wishing to expand on their skills.

“If all your training and years of experience helps you to save only one life, then all your effort will be worthwhile.”


Many people misunderstand hypnosis as a phenomenon which is either fake, or associated with paranormal activity, or that the hypnotist somehow "takes control" over someone's mind.

In fact, none of that is true.

Hypnosis is  state of relaxation, within which a person's abilities of imagination and concentration become enhanced. Theoretically, everybody becomes "hypnotised" at least twice a day without necessarily knowing it.

When under the influence of hypnosis, a person actually has more control over their mind than they have otherwise.


Hypnosis has been used, often unintentionally, for thousands of years, but more recently been made more  publicised by the German physician Friedrich Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) who developed methods which became known as "Mesmerism" , hence the term, "Mesmerised", later becoming known as "Hypnotism". (From the Greek work "Hypno" meaning "Sleep")


There are many advantages to be gained by learning hypnosis. Learning about your own mind and how it works, how your brain works, and how external influences affect these, arm you with a better knowledge of yourself, providing you with better understanding and control over your thoughts, emotions, motivation, and personal skills for interacting with others around you.

As society becomes increasingly stressful with the modern age, you are likely to notice how the majority of people around you have considerable problems to be dealt with and will seek your help.

As a therapist you will have more ability to help them solve or relieve a multitude of emotional and psychological problems, and although you will carry the knowledge to apply hypnosis, in many cases your understanding of the mind will often enable you to help people without the need to actually hypnotise them.

Like learning a martial art, you will likely discover that you will find ways of benefiting your life on a daily basis with your understanding of people, and will continually develop a new way to observe people such that you will continue learning and increasing your personal skills and observational skills.

Many trained hypnotherapists prefer to simply use hypnosis as a supplement to their life, helping them to deal with their own issues and with other people.

As a therapist, you can set up your own practice, either part time, or full time, working from home or from an office, clinic, or as part of a group of therapists.

Hypnosis does not usually contradict other types of therapies, but can be used in conjunction with other types of help, such as reiki, massage, meditation, religion, homeopathic and / or prescribed medication.

If you help some to benefit their health, physically and / or psychologically, yand benefit their life, you may actually save their life, either in the immediate or ldistant future.


There are many different items of hypnosis "equipment" which many like to use, such as a blue light, swinging watch, music player with soft music, therapist's sofa-bed, and so on, but actually none of these are essential equipment.

Hypnotherapists should have good ethical principles and morals, with genuine interest and enthusiasm to help people, and have the ability to be flexible when dealing with people's problems, willing to accept different viewpoints from people's varied opinions.

A pleasant non-confrontational appearance and character is perhaps about 95% of all that's required.


Red Circle  Hypnosis & Red Circle Training were set up by founder Captain Ian Robertson, with over 30 years experience hypnotising people around the world. An airline captain with over 35 years flying experience, once the record holder as being the youngest pilot in UK, has had 30 years experience "hands on" instructional experience as a flying instructor, gliding instructor, airline training captain, and hypnosis trainer, using his psychological and teaching skills from ab-initio to advanced professional level in all fields of his expertise.

Red Circle Training  also provides for motivational and teamwork corporate training.  

His hypnotic activities include one-to-one therapy sessions, group sessions, giving talks, holding seminars, radio interviews, and even stage hypnosis, having held the title of becoming Scotland's only large theatre stage hypnotist. Information is collected from each show for the purposes of research.


Red Circle  Hypnosis is part of  the British Hypnosis School, based in the Scottish Highlands.


Clients are welcome to attend their course in this attractive location in the Scottish Highlands.

However, Red Circle also travels around UK every week, and occasionally to other locations such as Ireland, and other parts of Europe, occasionally also to America, providing the same course to individuals or groups.

Although the course notes are written in English, the classroom part of the course can also be provided in French  if required.

The cost of the course may vary according to which options would be required, although meantime we regularly visit venues in UK's major cities such as London, Norwich, Manchester, and Birmingham.

And being based in Aberdeenshire gives us easy means to providing courses almost anywhere in Scotland. 

In otherwords, the course package can be customised to suit your needs.


The Red Circle  Hypnosis course is 100% legally recognised in UK, America and Europe, and continually observing National Curriculum Guidelines, keeping in touch with professional organisations and authorities such as the (UK) National Health Service, Department of Health, and many others.

Insurance companies will also recognise your training as credible for the purposes of offering you public liability insurance. 


The Red Circle  Hypnosis course is presented in easy-to-follow modules, with colour illustrations, describing associated subjects such as the brain and how it works, psychology, therapy methods, and how to apply them together to actually hypnotise people.

In addition to this training, the course also includes a comprehensive collection of supplements which list and describe psychological conditions, illegal drugs and other subjects which the hypnotherapist may have to understand.

The course also includes some useful audio CDs with copyright permission granted for the purpose of using and copying as necessary for their application of therapy to clients.

As a trainee hypnotist, this course will enable you qualify with a DHp (Diploma in Hypnotherapy Practice) issued by the British Hypnosis School, and also certificates of training to easily, competently and legally start your own business, full time, part time, from home, or from separate premises, as a qualified Clinical Hypnotic Consultant.

The course is a combination of correspondence learning and face-to-face tuition.Depending on your experience, the classroom  course can be taught in one "block" of three days, or if you prefer, spread out over several days, weeks or even months according to your circumstances and location.


The course prospectus is presented in modules, the main subjects being about :

  • The Brain and how it works
  • Psychology
  • Therapy Methods
  • Hypnosis methods
  • Supplements

Plus various supplements of useful information, and some CD's with copyright permission to use and copy for your own purposes.

For a more detailed prospectus, contact Red Circle  Hypnosis for more detailed information.

Contact Red Circle  Hypnosis

For more details and information, and a fully detailed prospectus, contact by email: or click on any of the images on this page.

Otherwise telephone and leave a message (speaking slowly and clearly) to: 0845 293 9378

Red Circle Hypnosis

Copyright ã Red Circle Hypnosis 2009